Community Engagement
For the CommunityCossington Housing Cooperative are proactive in engaging with their tenants. We are working to develop tenant engagement strategy over the coming year which we will share through our newsletter.
Please see our Community engagment plan here.
Thumbs—up for improved services
You can view our Tenant Satisfaction Survey 2023 here
Tenancy Satisfaction and Engagement Day
Everything we do is centred on interacting with you, our tenant members. We want to make sure that we are giving you as many chances as we can to express your opinions and have your voice heard.
We held our new and existing ‘Tenancy and Satisfaction & Engagement Day’ on Saturday 27th May 2023 between 10.00am – 1.00pm, at the Shri Shakti Mandir Hall, Canon Street, Leicester, LE4 6NH.
This tenant engagement proved to be a success. The opportunity to engage and having your voice heard and find out how the housing services are preforming and our future plans. You also had a chance to meet the Housing Team, Committee members and other tenant members and become part of the wider community. There was also a great opportunity for feedback and discussion, with a Q&A forum.
The focus of the day was on the following topics but not limited to:
• Repairs and maintenance
• Rent managements.
• Community cohesion & safety in the home and community.
• Support, Advice, and guidance on tenancy management.