Every tenant is automatically a member of CHC and shares ownership and responsibility for the management of our homes.
How we runEach year, at our AGM our tenants elect the management committee which meets regularly throughoutout the year to plan and review strategy, development, finance and housing services.
The meetings are held at 7pm at the CHC Area office, 143 Loughborough Road, Leicester, LE4 5LR. If you’d like to attend a committee meeting, please contact the Housing Office to find out the dates of future meetings.
Tenant members are encouraged to join our management committee, attend meetings and take an active role in decision-making. If you have an interest or experience in housing management, development, finance or legal matters, and would be interested in joining our committee, please contact us. You do not need to be an expert, as we offer training and support.
If you are not a tenant member, but have some relevant skills or knowledge and would like to work with us, please get in touch – we would be delighted to hear from you. CHC is registered as an Industrial & Provident Society, which means it is a not-for-profit organisation.